Schedules and Calendars:
1/12/2025 - 5/11/2025,once a week on Saturday or Sunday,
total16 classes.
* 2 weeks Spring Break depends on students
Call for detail. It may change upon pandemic situation.
Class description
Entry level (One hour per week)
This level is designed for children with little or no art background. The class introduces the fundamental skills and concepts of art including drawing of basic shapes, animals, cartoons, still life, and landscape. The majority of the drawings in this class are 2 dimensional. Classes will also introduce basic color wheel theory and let students practice how to mix colors. Color media used in this class are color pencils and tempera. Every semester includes 4 sculpture classes using Crayola model magic.
Intermediate level (One and a half hour per week)
Students entering this level require basic drawing skills and some knowledge of the fundamental concepts of art. Intermediate level classes mainly emphasizes on drawing 3 dimensional objects, action figures of animation, and still life and landscape using soft pastel. Sculpture classes will provide for students to improve their creativity and 3 dimensional concepts.
Advanced level (Two hours per week)
Teacher will design a special curriculum for each student based on her or his art skill and interests. . Every student need to continue for basic training that includes pencil drawing and color practice by pastel drawing. Students can elect drawing, oil /acrylic paint, water color, modern cartoon, ink/brush paint, design ...for advanced study. School provide plenty information and encourage students to participate art contests.Teacher will give useful advising for those students.
- Students or parents can register any time during the class hours from the teachers or by telephone after class hours. A registration form is required
- Teacher will tell the students which level of class should enroll based on their art
skill and age.
- Tuition: Beginner ( 1 hour / week) $ 280
Intermediate (1.5 hour /week) $ 380
Advanced (2 hours /week) $ 480
- Art Supplies: $20 for beginner and intermediate lever.
Advanced students prepare oil/acrylic accessories by themselves.
- The tuition will be deducted for the missed classes for the students who entered
at the middle of the semester. Discount may apply by school policies.
- Students may try the first class without charge if they don't want to continue